Sweat Low Calories Germinated Brown Rice Shake Organic Food
100% Germinated Brown Rice in Korea.
Taste Good!^^
Drink with Milk or Soy Milk!!!
Milk 180ml with 2 spoon shake.
Also you can add in yogurt.
1pack = 500g
Rich Silk Amino acid.
No Preservative, No Food Additives.
For Everyone + Baby, Patients, Seniors.
This is Low Calorie Healthy Shake.
BUT IT NOW-> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170952502370
What is Germinated Brown Rice (GBR)?
Germinated brown rice has been soaked long enough for the process of germination (growing a seed) to begin. According to Japanese Food Economist Ito Shoichi in his 2004 presentation for the Rice Conference held by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, it is likely that ancient peoples in Japan ate their brown rice soaked. GBR is easy to prepare at home and allows the nutrients in the rice to be more assimilated in the body.
What Nutrients are Increased in GBR?
The most highly touted nutrient that is doubled or even magnified ten times in germinated brown rice is an amino acid called gamma-aminobutyric acid or GABA for short. Other remarkable improvements are shown in the amounts of dietary fiber, magnesium, potassium, zinc, Vitamin E and many B vitamins.
The Health Benefits of Germinated Brown Rice
Researchers Kayahara and Tukahara concluded in 2000 that “continuous intake of GBR” can lower blood pressure, improve brain function, and relieve some symptoms of menopause. It also may prevent headaches, relieve constipation, regulate blood sugar, and even prevent Alzheimer’s disease and some cancers, including colon cancer and leukemia.
from http://www.kitchenstewardship.com/2010/03/31/germinated-brown-rice-has-the-u-n-finally-heard-nourishing-traditions-wisdom/
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