- Covers 100Hz to 1.8GHz with -130 dBm Sensitivity and +/-1 dB Frequency Response
- 10�9 Marker and Center Frequency Accuracy, Built-in Signal Counter; External Reference Input with Option 05: 10�5 Frequency Accuracy with the standard 495/495P
- Front Panel Execution of Downloaded Programs with the 495P Option 05
- Intelligent Markers with Signal Processing Functions
- Pushbutton Occupied Bandwidth and Noise Normalization Functions
- Switch Selectable 50 ohms and 75 ohms Impedance (Option 07) for IF, CATV and Local Area Network Applications
- Nonvolatile Memory for Up to Nine Waveforms and Nine Front Panel Settings
- Direct Keypad Entry of Control Parameters
- Help Mode Explains Front Panel Controls and Signal Processing Functions at the touch of a button
IT'S ONLY $ 1499.9 without shipping cost!!!
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